He got us SHIRTS!! We were so surprised and quite delighted! We promptly wore them to a Free Sew day at our Orange Quilt Bee! Thank you SO much Paul! I thought that was so sweet of him - What a thoughtful thing to do for us!!
We have two more shirts coming, one for Yvette who is pictured in white.... and one for my sister in S.C.
We had a great sewing session that day! Here's Ellen's finished block! Sew Pretty!
Karen wasn't feeling the love for her block, as you can see. She was getting side tracked, I guess...
Which resulted in the mad face.... She fixed it, only to have it happen again.
Encore on the mad face! But she perservered and her finished block was perfect!
Our S.C. Red Hot Sew'n Sew, Jacque, is about to get order restored in her new basement family room/office/sewing area - so she will be sewing along with us on the Web Sampler again soon. Right now, she's starting her second quilt top for the crisis centers, using the pattern from the Weekend Quilting Wonders book. Can't remember if I posted a picture of my finished top or not, but this is what the pattern looks like.
We thought it was a good quick pattern, and I had a ton of pastel florals, lavenders, yellows, etc. So I bundled them off to her thinking she could do ONE. Apparently, I underestimated - She has enough fabric for TWO. She supplemented with some green of her own for the second one, but we'll have two more great quilts for the crisis centers! Yay! I'll ask her to send us a pic soon!
I have added a few Sunbonnet Sue's to the stack for that quilt top. It occurred to me that rather than making 35 Sues, I could make 19, and that would give me 15 on the top of the bed, and one Sue in each corner, and I could insert a floral border - instead of having Sues go all around the border. They are fun to make, but 35 is a lot! Winter comes early in Wyoming, so I think I'll go with 19!
I'm going to stop here.... I will add another entry. Blogger drives me crazy when I have a lot of pictures!
So rare to have the R.H.S.A.S's together. I forgive you for taking the picture. I should have wore a red shirt that day. DOH!!!
Wish I had been there to be in the picture! Such fun!
Love your sunbonnet sues....mine might be slower in coming, since this will be my first foray into the world of applique!
I'll get the two quilt tops to you soon...putting the green on all the blocks now. I'll let you get pix and post them when the tops arrive, since I don't have anywhere to spread them out right now! Love ya!
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