Then he got a bee in his bonnet that we needed to make a new cookie or two this year. So he wanted to try candycane cookies. First we got to play with it as if it was play-dough. Only this play-dough was peppermint flavored! We rolled out "snakes" of the dough.
The "snakes" were laid together and rolled lightly with the rolling pin. The flattened ribbon of dough was sprinkled with sugar. (Yes, that is a piece of Twizzler candy lying in plain sight on the counter.....all this cookie making takes extra carbs for energy, right??)
It was then cut into strips. I whipped out the pizza cutter and used it like I was rotary cutting fabric (!) and made short work of that step.
Michael placed them on the cookie sheets, twisted them into candy cane shapes, and managed the baking and removal to cooking racks.
Don't they look great?
Yummy !!! They look sooooooo gooood !!!
If you need someone to sample I know a cookie monster. :)
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