Tuesday, November 27, 2007

An Exercise in Meandering and Meeses

The Meeses are coming along nicely.....It's a really fun learning experience. Today I worked briefly on meandering the interior white area around the meeses.

I think I need a lot more practice, but I also think I'm making some good progress!

I'm thinking about a simple line or two stitched in the brown border. The green border needs something special. But I'm fresh out of ideas. Maybe a casual, simple leaf pattern?


Karene said...

I LOVE THEM !!! You did great on the meandering from what I can see !!! I can hardly wait to see them finished ! Dad is going to love it !!! SEW MUCH FUN, my friend, SEW MUCH FUN !!!

Yvette said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhh! Bring this to class on Friday! I must see in person.