Wednesday, February 21, 2007

More Project Linus.....and the Dreadmill

A sweet friend of mine read my blog and sent me the following email message:

Hello Dear Heart,
I looked up Project Linus on the Internet, and there is a local chapter, so as soon as I finish the project I have underway right now, which will be in a couple of days, I am going to get in touch with the contact in my area and hopefully help out. I don't do quilting, but I can crochet and knit like crazy, and I LOVE to make baby blankets. Crazy thing, that very morning before I read your blog, I thought, "I wish there were some babies in my family or among my friends, because I like to make baby blankets." Also, I have closets full of yarn left over from other projects, and lots of it is in colors that children would love. I am not into dull, uninteresting colors myself, so don't use them much. Baby blankets go fast, so maybe I can get rid of some of the stuff that it cluttering my closets and be useful at the same time.
Love, H

How cool is that!!?? I sent a pamphlet to my dad also, as he sometimes plays with yarn too and I think he's kind of tired of knitting hats!! Maybe he'll think about crocheting a little baby blanket! I'm going to be going through the stash of quilting materials, and cutting some of the ones that neither Karene nor I will use into 6" or 7" squares, and start putting different color combinations together when I have time between projects. (Shut up. Maybe I'll manage to do it! Better to have tried and only managed a few, than not to have tried at all, right??!!)

And lookie! Here's a picture of the quilt that Karene made for Project Linus - I bugged her until she shared the picture with was soooooooooo cute. Some little one somewhere is going to love the cheerful colors and the coziness of this quilt!! (and it will last forever - she constructed it sturdily, and machine quilted it herself going around all the animals to make them stand out more, and she put the binding on using a decorative stitch on her machine!)

Is that not the cutest thing? I love it!

Got back on the horse treadmill today......and the bike also..... 5 miles (2 miles walked, 1 mile run, 2 miles biked). I am Le Tired.

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