Thursday, May 25, 2006


She did it. Last two essays were done at home instead of the library as planned earlier, because ...... I'm not sure why, given what a madhouse "home" is with four dogs, and phones ringing....

She had to have them emailed to the professor by 6:45 p.m. The email went out at about 6:43 pm. Be still my heart.

And then the grinning began....and she put on her senior ring and it is staying on......and she giggled and posed with the hat/tassle.....

In case inquiring minds want to know, her helpful "brother" Patrick put the doll on the laptop screen.....with the statement "he'll help." The doll is a story in and of itself. When he (Jason Priestley from the long ago "90210" show) wasn't acting in the movie Karen was making (more on that below) he served as a ring bearer of sorts......more inspiration!

And those of you interested in a movie this evening can go to the site mentioned at the end of this advertisement:

Rasputin. A naughty boy in Russian history.....passed himself off as a priest of sorts, with powers and abilities of sorts....eventually insinuating himself into the Royal Family of Nicholas and Alexandra, supposedly able to prevent/stop their son's bleeding spells (hemophilia)....When Nicholas trotted off to war to be with the Boyz on the front lines, Alexandra who was a bit of a desparate airhead, permitted Rasputin to make major decisions affecting the government, cabinets, position-holding, etc......eventually some folks took exception to this naughty boy and the effect he was having on the governing of Russia, and they decided to kill him. Only....he wouldn't die. Poisoned wine - nah. Poisoned cake - nope. Shot at close range, several times - still kicking! Eventually drowned at the Neva River.....

Pop some popcorn and enjoy the class project of Karen and three fellow classmates in Russian History.....

Um....actually the doll did not star in the production.....but his shoe did.....on the popsickle stick bridge after Rasputin was flung off into the blue ice cubes in the kitchen sink waters of the Neva River...... (Listen all the way to the very very very end! The final song is exceptionally well executed!)

I must get back to work. Karen has left to celebrate with Teege and I'm alone with the four dogs. That's as peaceful as it gets around here, so I better make hay and get some work done.

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