Friday, December 26, 2008

Really, try to remember....

How cute they are....

Sigh. That's what mops are for, right? I've been keeping a damp one right by the door....cos this is happening a lot, since we're having a lot of rain these days... The mud occurs because we have NO lawn left out back.... but oh well! Michael gets way more enjoyment out of his "little people" than he would out of a perfect lawn!

But now, when it comes to cute?

This little one has it NAILED.

I think he could probably get by with Anything! I stopped by Christmas Eve to drop off a couple things at Karene's, and I got to play with Too Much Cuteness!



Yvette said...


I had those same paw tracks at my house. LOL!! It really is a good thing we love them.

Karene said...

Yeah, it really is good that we love them !!! Cos, he's in the dog house already....little brat

Unknown said...

Karene has my beagle??? hmm.....
